
美国东南部一州。面积80,582平方公里,为美国最初的十三州之一,首府哥伦比亚城。东部为宽广的沿海平原,逐渐向内陆起伏不平的山麓过渡。欧洲人到来时,这里原先居住着苏人、易洛魁人和穆斯科格人(Muskogean)等印第安人部落。16世纪时西班牙人和法国人先後建立起殖民地,但都放弃了。第一个永久居民点是英国人於1670年在查尔斯镇建立的,1680年移到现在的查理斯敦。美国革命期间这里发生过许多战役,为第八个批准美国宪法的州(1788)。1860年率先脱离联邦,萨姆特堡之战成为美国南北战争之始(参阅Fort Sumter National Monument)。1868年该州从新被批准加入联邦。1895年的宪法修正竭尽可能地剥夺黑人的公民权利,严厉的种族隔离政策一直持续到1960年代中期,当时席卷全国的美国民权运动终於推动了政策的改变。该州的纺织制造业在国内领先,工业基础相当强大;旅游业位居其次;农业对经济也有贡献,主要作物有烟草、大豆和棉花。人口约4,012,000(2000)。

South Carolina

State (pop., 1997 est.: 3,760,000), southeastern U.S. It covers 31,113 sq mi (80,583 sq km) and is an original state of the Union; its capital is Columbia. It comprises a broad coastal plain, with a rolling piedmont farther inland. At the time of European contact the area was inhabited by Sioux, Iroquois, and Muskogean Indians. Spanish and French settlements were established and abandoned in the 16th century; the first permanent European settlement was made by the English in 1670 at Charles Town, moved to the present site of Charleston in 1680. During the American Revolution there were several military campaigns in the state. In 1788 South Carolina was the eighth state to ratify the U.S. constitution. In 1860 it became the first state to secede from the Union. The initial action of the American Civil War occurred there at Fort Sumter. It was readmitted to the Union in 1868. Constitutional revisions in 1895 disenfranchised almost all the state's blacks, and a rigid policy of racial segregation persisted until the mid-1960s, when the national civil rights movement began to have some effect in ameliorating policies. South Carolina is a leader in U.S. textile manufacturing and has a large industrial base. Tourism is its second largest industry. Agriculture also contributes to the economy; major crops include tobacco, soybeans, and cotton.