
装配和修筑建筑物的技术和工业。早期人类主要用简单的方式建造遮风避雨的处所。建筑材料来自土地,建造受限於材料和施工者的技巧。施工的第一步是打地基,施工者安装结构系统,结构材料(砖石、泥或原木)可用作骨架和围墙。传统的梁柱体系(post-and-beam system)最後被框架结构取代,施工者变成擅长用各种覆面(骨架外墙)和涂饰,来做封填与防火工作。钢骨建筑物通常用幕墙(curtain wall)围盖。在现代建筑中,包覆建筑物骨架只是个开始,各种专家自那时起就开始在内部大量施工,如安装室内给排水设施、电子管线、HVAC(即供暖、通风和空气调节配备)、窗、楼面覆面层(floor covering)、抹灰泥工作、线脚(装饰线条)、瓦/砖和隔间等等。亦请参阅architecture。

building construction

Techniques and industry involved in the assembly and erection of structures. Early humans built primarily for shelter, using simple methods. Building materials came from the land, and fabrication was dictated by the limits of the materials and the builder's hands. The erection sequence involved, as now, first placing a foundation (or using the ground). The builder erected the structural system; the structural material (masonry, mud, or logs) served as both skeleton and enclosure. Traditional bearing-wall and post-and-beam systems eventually gave way to framed structures, and builders became adept at sealing and fireproofing with a variety of claddings (exterior coverings) and finishes. Steel-framed buildings are usually enclosed by curtain walls. In modern-day construction, sheathing the skeleton of the building is only the beginning; specialists then begin the bulk of the work inside, installing plumbing, electrical wiring, HVAC (heating, ventilating, and air-conditioning), windows, floor coverings, plasterwork, moldings, ceramic tile, cabinets, and other features. See also architecture.