
Carter, Jimmy,原名James Earl Carter, Jr.。

美国第三十九任总统(1977~1981)。花生批发商、乔治亚州州议员之子。毕业於亚那波里斯的美国海军军官学校,曾在海军服役,1953年其父去世,卡特即辞去军职,返家经营家族的花生生意。1962~1966年担任乔治亚州参议员。1971~1975年任乔治亚州州长。他开放政府部门引用黑人及妇女,对预算采取更严格的管理办法。1976年虽然缺乏全国性政治的基础和有力人士支持,但他终於赢得民主党提名,最後还击败共和党现任总统福特(G. Ford),当选为总统。在总统任内,他促使埃及和以色列缔结一项和约;与巴拿马签署一项条约,规定1999年後巴拿马运河成为中立地带;并与中国建立全面的外交关系。1979~1980年伊朗人质危机事件成为他政治上的一大包袱。1979年苏联进兵阿富汗,他采取较为强硬的措施,禁止美国谷物输往苏联,并抵制1980年在莫斯科举办的夏季奥运会。由於国内通货膨胀率逐年升高,经济萧条情况未获改善,所以在1981年寻求连任时,败给共和党总统侯选人雷根。後来在若干国家的各式冲突中担当一种自由外交大使的角色,并在一些国家帮忙监督选举,以确保民主传统的实施。


Carter, Jimmy

39th president of the U.S. (1977-81). Born in Plains, Ga., he graduated from Annapolis and served in the U.S. Navy until 1953, when he left to manage the family peanut business. He served in the state senate 1962-66. Elected governor (1971-75), he opened Georgia's government offices to blacks and women and introduced stricter budgeting procedures for state agencies. In 1976, though lacking a national political base or major backing, he won the Democratic nomination and the presidency, defeating the sitting president, Gerald Ford. As president, he helped negotiate a peace treaty between Egypt and Israel, signed a treaty with Panama to make the Panama Canal a neutral zone after 1999, and established full diplomatic relations with China. In 1979-80 the Iran hostage crisis became a major political liability. He responded more forcefully to the Soviet Union's invasion of Afghanistan in 1979, embargoing the shipment of U.S. grain to that country and pressing for a U.S. boycott of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow. Hampered by high inflation and a recession engineered to tame it, he lost his bid for reelection to Ronald Reagan. He subsequently became involved in numerous international diplomatic negotiations and helped oversee elections in countries with insecure democratic traditions.
