
Strauss, Richard (Georg)

德国作曲家和指挥家。父亲是慕尼黑宫廷乐团的法国号演奏员,他六岁就开始乐曲写作,二十岁之前他的两首交响乐和一首小提琴协奏曲已作了首次公演。1885年指挥家毕罗(H. von Bulow)挑选他作为自己的接班人。其後他转向华格纳式的音乐风格,开始写作标题交响诗,作品有交响诗《唐璜》(1889)、《死与净化》(1890)、《梯尔.欧伦施皮格尔有趣的恶作剧》(1895)、《查拉图什特拉如是说》(1896)、《唐吉诃德》(1897)和《英雄的生涯》(1898)。1900年後转向歌剧,他的第三部歌剧《莎乐美》(1905)初获成功。从歌剧《厄勒克特拉》(1908)开始,他与奥地利诗人兼剧作家霍夫曼塔尔(H. von Hofmannsthal)开展一系列合作,其中包括他最杰出的歌剧《玫瑰骑士》(1910)、《阿里阿德纳在纳克索斯》(1912)和《没有影子的女人》(1918)。此後他继续写作了八部歌剧。第二次世界大战期间他滞留在奥地利,後来澄清他并没有与纳粹分子进行过合作。在多年少有作品问世之後,晚年又创作了几部力作,包括《变形》(1945)和《四首最後的歌》(1948)。


Strauss, Richard (Georg)

German composer and conductor. Son of a horn player, Richard began composing at 6. Before he was 20, he had had major premieres of two symphonies and a violin concerto, In 1885 the conductor H. von Bulow made him his successor. A convert to Wagnerism, he began to write programmatic orchestral tone poems, including Don Juan (1889), Death and Transfiguration (1890), Till Eulenspiegel's Merry Pranks (1895), Thus Spake Zarathustra (1896), Don Quixote (1897), and Ein Heldenleben (1898). After 1900 he turned to opera. His third opera, Salome (1905), was a succès de scandale, and with Elektra (1908) he began a productive collaboration with the poet Hugo von Hofmannsthal, with whom he wrote his greatest operas, including Der Rosenkavalier (1910), Ariadne auf Naxos (1912), and Die Frau ohne Schatten (1918). He later wrote eight more operas. He remained in Austria through World War II, but was later cleared of wrongdoing in connection with the Nazi regime. After many years writing lesser works, he produced several remarkable late pieces, including Metamorphosen (1945) and the Four Last Songs (1948).