
Antiochus III

别名安条克大帝(Antiochus the Great)

塞琉西王国国王。在平定小亚细亚总督阿凯夫斯的叛乱(西元前213年)後,他发动东进战役(西元前212~西元前205年),一直打到印度。与亚美尼亚逐步建立和平的同盟关系,并继续对拒不投降的安息(Parthia)和大夏(Bactria)用武。托勒密四世(Ptolemp IV)死後,安条克与马其顿的君主腓力五世订立密约,瓜分托勒密帝国除埃及以外的领地,安条克获得南部和东部的土地,其中包括巴勒斯坦(西元前202?年)。後来他出兵埃及,最後於西元前195年缔结和约,取得了叙利亚南部和小亚细亚的领土。他允许迦太基汉尼拔(Hannibal)到他的宫廷,此举引起罗马方面的不满,他为了保护埃托利亚同盟而与罗马动武,在马格内西亚(Magnesia)战役中被罗马军队彻底打败(西元前189年),被迫放弃了欧洲、小亚细亚西部,但仍保有叙利亚、美索不达米亚及伊朗西部地区。安条克最後在苏萨附近强索贡品时被人刺杀。


Antiochus III

Seleucid king of the Syrian empire (223-187 BC). After quelling a rebellion by Achaeus, his governor in Asia Minor (213), he marched east to India (212-205). He forged a peaceful alliance with Armenia, and forcible ones with Parthia and Bactria, stilling resistance to his campaign. Following Ptolemy IV's death, he and Philip V of Macedonia divided most of Ptolemy's empire, Antiochus taking the southern and eastern lands, including Palestine (c. 202). He then marched against Egypt, concluding a peace in 195, through which he acquired southern Syria and Ptolemy's territories in Asia Minor. Rome grew angry with him after he admitted Hannibal of Carthage to his court; when he took a force to defend the Aetolians against Rome, Rome struck against him, eventually defeating him at Magnesia (189). He gave up lands in Europe and western Asia Minor but kept Syria, Mesopotamia, and western Iran. He was murdered while exacting much-needed tribute near Susa.