
美国西南部一州(1997年人口约4,555,000),面积114,000平方哩(295,259平方公里),首府为凤凰城(Phoenix)。汉弗莱斯峰(Humphreyp's Park)高12,633尺(3,851公尺),是全州最高点。州内有大峡谷(Grand Canyon)和石化林国家公园(Petrifield Forest National Park),并拥有近40%的美国印第安部落土地。人类很可能在两万五千年前就在此居住过。在霍霍坎文化(Hohokam culture)、阿纳萨齐文化(Anasazi culture)崩解後,游牧的阿帕契和纳瓦霍印第安人在16世纪来到这个地区。16世纪中叶来自墨西哥西班牙寻宝者,包括科罗纳多在内,建立墨西哥对此区的主权。1776年墨西哥军队在图森(Tucson)建立第一个要塞。美墨战争後,亚利桑那割让给美国,在1848年成为新墨西哥州的一部分。1853年加兹登购地(Gadsden Purchase)增加了一些领土。1863年成为准州,1912年成为美国的第四十八州。虽然人口稍嫌稀疏,但近几十年来人口迅速成长,大部分是因气候宜人。居民约有1/6的人讲西班牙语,5%是印第安人,包括纳瓦霍人、阿帕契人、霍皮人(Hopi)、帕帕戈人(Papago)和皮马人(Pima)。经济多元化,包括农业、采矿、航太、电子和旅游业等。


State (pop., 1997 est.: 4,555,000), southwestern U.S. It covers 114,000 sq mi (295,260 sq km); its capital is Phoenix. Its highest point is Humphrey's Peak, at 12,633 ft (3,850 m). The site of Grand Canyon and Petrified Forest national parks, Arizona also has almost 40% of U.S. Indian tribal lands. Humans settled the area more than 25,000 years ago. Nomadic Apache and Navajo Indians arrived after the collapse of the Anasazi and Hohokam civilizations. They were followed in the 16th century by Spanish treasure seekers from Mexico, including Francisco Vazquez de Coronado, establishing Mexico's claim to the area. In 1776 the Mexican army built the first presidio at Tucson. After the Mexican War, Arizona was ceded to the U.S. as part of New Mexico in 1848; the Gadsden Purchase was added in 1853. Organized as a territory in 1863, Arizona became the 48th state in 1912. Though still lightly populated, it has grown rapidly in population in recent decades, largely because of its climate. About one-sixth of the population is Spanish-speaking; another 5% is Indian, including Navajo, Hopi, Apache, Papago, and Pima. Its diverse economy includes agriculture, mining, aerospace, electronics, and tourism.
