



Historical region, France. The name was originally applied to a kingdom in the Rhone valley and western Switzerland founded by the Burgundians, a Germanic people who fled Germany in the 5th century. Conquered by the Merovingians c. 534, it was incorporated into the Frankish empire. By the 843 Treaty of Verdun, it was included in the Middle Kingdom of Lothair I's Holy Roman Empire. It was later divided into Cisjurane (Lower) Burgundy, or Provence (founded 879), and Transjurane (Upper) Burgundy (founded 888); they united in 933 to form the kingdom of Burgundy. After the 13th century, it was known as the kingdom of Arles; the name Burgundy was applied to the duchy of Burgundy, formed in the 9th century from lands in the northwestern part of the original kingdom. On the death of Burgundy's duke in 1361, the duchy reverted to the French crown. Given to Philip II, by 1477 its lands extended into the Low Countries. It was seized by Louis XI, annexed to the French crown, and was a province until the French Revolution. Today the area forms a governmental region with its capital at Dijon. Winemaking is an important part of the economy.